Tuesday, December 18, 2012

As Smart As She Is, Sarah Doesn't Get It

Take the Liza Long ("I am Adam Lanza's Mother" blog post) and Sarah Kendzior ("Want the Truth Behind Adam Lanza's Mother?" blog post)...

Liza poured her heart out about her mentally disturbed son, and Sarah commented negatively on the posting, decrying the privacy breaches of a minor, as well as scrutinizing other questionable posts in Liza's blog.

It's spats like these that point to personality differences, not necessarily issue discrepancies.  

You see, Sarah is a logical, probably left-brained thinker, having recently obtained a PhD in anthropology.  Most of what she's published has been scholarly dissertations and articles.

Liza is a creative type, probably right-brained thinker, who blogs mostly and uses imagery and metaphor with ease.

These two women could easily write essays on the exact same subject and come up with vastly different pieces.

When Sarah criticizes Liza for writing about walking up the mountain with her son and evoking the Abraham and Issac story, one can immediately see that Sarah is taking Liza's writing as more factual fantasy than metaphor.  I'm pretty sure Liza does not want a knife in her hand, neither does she desire God to call her to kill her son.  Creative writers use imagery to convey thoughts, ideas and feelings.  Sometimes these feelings are distasteful to others, but they are feelings all the same.

As a creative writer myself, I understand that we often take poetic license to express ourselves.  And, when one is driven to the breaking point, then sometimes these pictures written in words on a blog can be disturbing.  Most especially so to a logical thinker, who doesn't possess the "grain of salt" necessary to understand that the piece is not written by a madwoman, but rather by someone who would have written mythical stories in the days of old.

If you've ever had a tween or teenager in the house, and multiple children sparring with each other, then you as a parent can empathize with much of what Liza writes.  She pens, "I quit!  Let the state take care of you and your compulsive inability to stop poking people."

Sounds like a lot of moms I know, including me.

There isn't a week that goes by in my homeschooling madness and stay-at-home horrendous housekeeping that I don't just want to throw all the textbooks and crafts away and drive them to the public schools nearby.  "I quit!  Let the public educators teach you and your inability to stop poking each other!"

Okay, Logical Brained peeps, what do you think of that?  

Links to their Blogs:

Joint Statement from Both: http://sarahkendzior.com/2012/12/17/a-joint-statement-from-sarah-and-liza/

Liza: http://anarchistsoccermom.blogspot.com/?m=1

Sarah:  http://sarahkendzior.com/

1 comment:

Staceemaree said...

I read the "I Am Adam Lanza's Mother" bligpost. I didn't scroll through her other postings, so I cannot speak to anything other than what she admitted to on that one day. I was brought to tears. I empathize with her, I support her. I understand. How brave of her to admit her struggles. On my own blog, I struggle with how much to reveal to the public about how difficult my own emotionally disturbed child is to raise. I fear the ridicule, judgement, and backlash of my "fellow human beings". Hey, if you can't say something nice, then pray until you can.