Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mucking Things Up!

Economists Timothy Conley and Bill Dupor are out with a study on the impact of Obama's $800B Stimulus Package.

Results in a nutshell: The pkg created or saved 450,000 government jobs, and forestalled or destroyed 1,000,000 private sector jobs.

Have you read Ayn Rand lately?

We are headed down a path of destruction for this country if we continue to hire people in the public arena and don't foster job growth in private industry.  

The Department of Labor noted that 244,000 jobs were created in March 2011.  The Meeedia (and I use that term with much sarcasm) called it "surprising strong" and "better than expected."  HA!  Robert Reich the noted economist has said that the US needs to add 300,000 jobs every month for five years (that's 5 yrs!) just to get unemployment under 6%.

The problem is that Americans need to look at facts not talking points.  We need to look at numbers not politician's smiling faces.  We need to look at statistics and real data not simply tow our political lines.

I am disgusted with BOTH parties right now, Republican and Democrat because the politicians' focus is on their mirrors not on us average Americans!

We need MORE than a Tea Party movement.  We need a Bi-Partisan Movement Enacting Term Limits to get these career politicians out of their plush arrangements and get some real workers in there to do what's best for ALL of us!

Unfortunately, they keep us at war with one another to distract us into thinking we need to WIN!  We have to beat the other side.  Our side is best!  Our side rules!  We won the election!  We're on the winning team!

But, it's just distraction.  So, we don't see what their left hands are doing.

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